
I took a body to the beachI swear it was not mineThe costume, well, it used to fitI should have taken that as a sign I’d really worked so hardTo get myself in shapePerhaps I really should not have hadThat…

🔉Black Cloak

I’ve fallen out of favour.I don’t know what to do.My overlords of high esteem.Have left me all a-blue. I tried my best, I really did.Despite the vague instruction.I manned the trench, whilst others fell.And witnessed their destruction. “Healer-priest thy role…


I have a lovely friendWho is so obsessed with ElvisShe tells me it’s about the voiceNot all about the pelvis His voice is so etherealHe always makes me moanHe hasn’t left the building thoughHe’s an alien, he’s gone home PJ.©…

🔉Queen’s English

A woman on the radio said anus loud and clear, In truth she’d said another word that slipped right past my ear. Her gist was of one’s burden, re-tuned my sense of hearing. For the onus was on me to…

🔉The Fall of Rome

Cling not to the debris that is washed by the wave, For this is dead and detached. That which is pushed upward to crest and then splash, Is product and empty, and gone. Seek refuge in depth and find pressure…

🔉 Pam and Vera

Polythene Pam and Vinyl VeraTwo old birds from a different eraPretty young things from the age of punkBrassy and sassy and permanently drunkGrey haired now, and in a permanent funk Swore they’d live very different livesYet both ended up as…

🔉 Goosed

Christmas is coming and the Goose is getting fatI looked into the mirror and said,Well, that is just a factMy doctor said it’s serious,that I should really lose some weightSo, this year I’m going to havejust sprouts upon me plateAnd…

🔉 Dust

“I’ll show you fear,” the cowboy saidAs we travelled the Wastelands together“I’ll give you a handful of dust” “There is nothing to fear from dust,” I said“I keep three boxes by my bedThese are my rocksGround down by lifeNot living…

🔉I fish

Alone with my thoughts. My master says to simply sit, and watch my thoughts. Shadowy monsters cruise the depths. Indistinct, more felt than seen. Their presence driving sleeker juveniles to break forth as worries and concerns. Unsure and uncertain about…