Wot I Wrote!
The Future is a Blank Page – Poem by P.J. The Future is a Blank Page As I start to write this I am staring at a blank page I have written many pages before this one Some good, some…
The Future is a Blank Page – Poem by P.J. The Future is a Blank Page As I start to write this I am staring at a blank page I have written many pages before this one Some good, some…
Home. The Rye runs into the DerwentThe Derwent flows down to the seaThis land, these rivers, this RyedaleThese are the heart of me. My life moves forward, and I move alongBut Ryedale comes right along with meThis land holds my…
I am a profesinal sine riterI lernt it from the intanetI doesn’t hav a proper jobI won it in a bet I had to lern to spelWhen riting on the wallI just carnt seem to get no wrkNo one evr…
A profoundness of profundityis messing with my lifeAn intenseness of intensityis causing me such strife Non- viable viabilitiesare clouding my decisionsTo chart a course and plan my wayrequires much precision My indecision is divisivemy compass doesn’t workI’m secure in insecuritylost…
I’m a retired baby boomerWho’s looking for a lifeI never seem to get aheadMy life is full of strife The wife she went and left meMy son has moved back inMy investments fell right through the floorI’ve put retirement in…
Don’t come to Yorkshire, it’s a terrible placeFull of flat caps who get reet in yer faceIt’s cold and it’s wet and dirty as hellAnd the countryside’s full of such god-awful smells The people are dreadful and don’t like strangersIf…
If you want the truthDon’t ask meBecause I will give it to youIf you’re worried about somethingDon’t ask meBecause I will give you a solutionIf you want to talkI will listenBUTDon’t ask me what I thinkBecause my truth is rawYou’re…
Pterry the pterodactylWas having a pterrible timeHe pthought he needed a pHe’d held it a very long time Pterry was ptruly pterrifiedAnd pthought it would last foreverUntil T’Poet from Yorkshire saidIt was only a ptyping error. PJ.© 2024
Old age is a gift that just keeps on givingYou move along slowlybut it’s not really living It gives you aches and painsthat you never thought you’d haveYou also start to changeand become just like your Mum or Dad Your…
I’ve got a gender identityI’m not quite sure what it isAm I meant to be a misterOr maybe I’m a miss It really is confusingFor all my friends and meEspecially when decidingWhere I’m going to have a pee I’m going…