
Let’s be scientific, and look at hieroglyphicsThey’re really just daft pictures on the wallAnd now we have emojis on our phonesIt’s all about encryptionForget about the dictionWhen a smiley yellow face can say it all It’s shorthand for the massesWe…

Drug Addicts

We are all drug addictsMy old friends and meThe doctor is our dealerHe provides our scrip for free We very rarely see himWe hardly know his nameHe doesn’t know us eitherBut, supplies us all the same We have to meet…


I took a body to the beachI swear it was not mineThe costume, well, it used to fitI should have taken that as a sign I’d really worked so hardTo get myself in shapePerhaps I really should not have hadThat…

Hither and Tether

Yan, Tan, Tether,That’s way ti count tha sheepThat’s what mi Grandad telt me,Afore I went ti sleepFasten yat behint the,Tha musn’t let ’em strayNow; close thine eyes mi little un,and reest amongst fresh hay We’ve had a grand day, thee,…


What can I do with all this pain?It seeps from beneath a jovial personaand drips on the soul like rain.I fear the parasite will overcome the hostand their life will be but a ghostof what it could have been.‘But it’s…

A Protest Song

A Protest Song Down with emoji’s now let’s make it clearOur speech and our writing will soon disappear.From grunting and signing…here’s language todaySo don’t let emoji’s take all that away. Down with emoji’s we’ll lose all our skillsWhen dining on…

A Navvy’s Legacy

A Navvy’s Legacy In driving winds, thunderous clouds and sleetThe navvy toiled, his pick cleaved at the landAnd as wet rot attacked the poor man’s feetAnd blisters soiled, a hook replaced his hand. He carved for years through meadows, hills…

Transposition of Care

Transposition of Care I have lived so long in this place and I have born witness to life.I am moved around at their will…waiting,Waiting to feel the warmness of their form to weigh on me, to nestle in me.I have…

Scents of Rememberance

The earliest of smells so distant in timeMy mother’s cheek as it lay next to mine.As I grew it remained, to love care and tendI turned to her smell when I needed to mend. A jam jar of water with…


A vision of gorgeousness stood to greet me,His handshake just set me a quiver.Dressed in scrubs of pale blue, it was quite plain to see,Why I melted…and was all of a dither. My toe nails were hard; crumbly and greenWhen…