🔉I fish

Alone with my thoughts. My master says to simply sit, and watch my thoughts. Shadowy monsters cruise the depths. Indistinct, more felt than seen. Their presence driving sleeker juveniles to break forth as worries and concerns. Unsure and uncertain about…

The Road Taken

I took the road like Robert FrostIt really made no differenceFor every road I ever trodI was met with great indifference I travelled forward hopefullyTo meet my fate just as I shouldOften the best that I could achieveWas to find…

🔉 Sweet Talk

A woman enjoys chocolate

Tastebuds are tingling with flavours on tongueAnd mouth-watering nectar swills round.Salivating juices already begunAs melliferous ambrosials are found. Caramels, butterscotch, Turkish Delights,Fondants and icing on cakes,A gratifying pleasure, a nectariferous of measure,A passion one never need fake. Grand summer puddings,…

I only went in for a lipstick

A woman applies lipstick

I Only Went in for a Lipstick I only went in for a lipstick,To replace my pearly pink stub.The assistant peered closer and closerAnd suggested an exfoliating rub. Then examining me even closerAnd holding her mirror up highShe asked, ‘Had…

Autumn Erotica

Romantic autumn

She can’t wait to get all her leaves off,’ grumbled the conifer, glaring at the silver birch opposite. ‘Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, I feel so free, so free,’ she cried, waving her branches flirtatiously. ‘Free and easy, if you ask me,’ the…


I have been teaching my step daughter to read. It is an education for both of us. I started with the signs we see on familiar routes.  Open.  Closed.  For Sale.  Sold.  Oblivious at first, she cannot see what I…

🔉 Am I bothered?

I am a fervent word bothererAnd words they do bother meThey roll around inside my headUntil I set them freeThey tumble out in raptureOr sometimes in despairOften when I look for themThe words they are not there I sit here…

Black Friday

An animated metal statue of a bull charges a lone protester

He kicks the ground with characteristic impatience sending dust clouds across the floor and snorts before it can settle. Head bowed and horns steady he charges as the clamour of metal against brass rings around the world; thus heralding that…

🔉 Convergence

A web of lights

Convergence It was, for her, a matter of survival that her home was perfectly aligned so that every pathway she took would lead to a cache of stored treasure. Her mathematical genius was second nature, almost as important as the…