The Ballad of King Peredurus

By the banks of the Costa that rolls to the sea,Through Moorland that’s purpled with ling.The robes of a man lie on bedrocks of scree,A fool who was born to be King.His claim to the throne on his finger he…

The Fabled Origin of Pickering Town

(When the Folksinger David Swann asked us to write lyrics for a new song depicting the origins of Pickering’s name – the idea lingered. So later, when we began to dabble with writing Fairy Tales, this popped into my head.) …


I took a body to the beachI swear it was not mineThe costume, well, it used to fitI should have taken that as a sign I’d really worked so hardTo get myself in shapePerhaps I really should not have hadThat…

Hither and Tether

Yan, Tan, Tether,That’s way ti count tha sheepThat’s what mi Grandad telt me,Afore I went ti sleepFasten yat behint the,Tha musn’t let ’em strayNow; close thine eyes mi little un,and reest amongst fresh hay We’ve had a grand day, thee,…


Welcome to Pickering, a small market townOn the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors.In summer the coaches come crawling in,On magical mystery tours.There’s plenty to eat, as cafés abound,Fresh produce available too.And if it turns cold, buy a cardi or…

Yorkshire Folk

I never enjoy being enjoyableIt seems too much effort to meI’d much rather sit watching tellyAlone with a big pot of tea Maybe it’s ‘cos I’m from YorkshireWe’re known to be miserable getsMy friend who comes from NewcastleSays, there’s really…


Another poet from YorkshireWhat’s gone wrong with the bloody placeWe’re meant to be dour and taciturnNot emoting all over the place They’ve gone an made this un t’laureateHe says he don’t care ’bout the moneyNow listen lad tha’s from YorkshireSaying…

Werewolves of Bempton

There is a quaint little town in North YorkshireCalled Bempton. It’s right by the seaIt’s famous for its cliffs and wild birdsAnd this seemed quite attractive to me So, I took myself off for a visitBought a ticket and got…