The Invitation

It sat on the mantelpiece, pride of place where everyone could see. The royal crest was the important part. Impossible to ignore with its gleaming gold insignia. Esme found herself sitting on the couch opposite, eyes glued to that oblong…

Hither and Tether

Yan, Tan, Tether,That’s way ti count tha sheepThat’s what mi Grandad telt me,Afore I went ti sleepFasten yat behint the,Tha musn’t let ’em strayNow; close thine eyes mi little un,and reest amongst fresh hay We’ve had a grand day, thee,…


What can I do with all this pain?It seeps from beneath a jovial personaand drips on the soul like rain.I fear the parasite will overcome the hostand their life will be but a ghostof what it could have been.‘But it’s…


A vision of gorgeousness stood to greet me,His handshake just set me a quiver.Dressed in scrubs of pale blue, it was quite plain to see,Why I melted…and was all of a dither. My toe nails were hard; crumbly and greenWhen…

The Field

“Take that dirty thing off your head child” Louis chin fell. He had been so excited to show his mother what he had found in the field.   “It is stuck, it won’t come off.”   “Silly boy of course it’s…

Every Second Counts

I had been waiting at the bus stop for fifteen minutes before it was due. It didn’t matter that the rain was sheeting down like stair rods or that my hair was plastered in strands around my face, I had…


I love skinny blondes, and I also love brunettesThe only trouble is I haven’t met the right one yetMaybe it’s a redhead, who will come and steal my heartOr a silver haired old lady, looking for a brand-new start Dating…


I chose my family carefully.Not because of some ascribed bloodline that I had no say in.I chose them, as they chose me, because we care about each other.Nothing so disingenuous as love.We have seen ourselves and each other.At our best.Our…

Fish pie or tapas?

George Hardaker and Minnie Jessop arrived at THORNTREES on the same day.   ‘We like our new residents to arrive at the same time,’ she smiled, rocking backwards and forwards in sturdy black shoes, her arms clasped behind her back.…

Benefit of Doubt

Has this glamorous heiress really decided to create a haven for asylum seekers? It seems a stretch, to be honest. She could be bored, her usual jet set lifestyle curbed by ‘covid’, or perhaps for once the news coverage has…