🔉 P’Terry need t’pee.

Pterry the pterodactylWas having a pterrible timeHe pthought he needed a pHe’d held it a very long time Pterry was ptruly pterrifiedAnd pthought it would last foreverUntil T’Poet from Yorkshire saidIt was only a ptyping error. PJ.© 2024

🔉 Old Age.

Old age is a gift that just keeps on givingYou move along slowlybut it’s not really living It gives you aches and painsthat you never thought you’d haveYou also start to changeand become just like your Mum or Dad Your…

🔉 Gender.

I’ve got a gender identityI’m not quite sure what it isAm I meant to be a misterOr maybe I’m a miss It really is confusingFor all my friends and meEspecially when decidingWhere I’m going to have a pee I’m going…

🔉 Dancing Queen

Dancing and swaying alone in her roomMoving around to her own ghostly tuneShe smiles as she dancesRemembering the pastWishing those times hadn’t gone so fastNow living each dayAs if it were her last.She remembers her husbandWho now is long goneRecalling…

🔉 Ashes

When your world is destroyed by fireYou should stand in the ashesEmbrace the heat that remainsLet the old embers warm youKeep you safeHelping you to rekindle a new fireAs the sparks rise from the dying cindersThey form another fire, a…


Echo-lightsthat danceas waves of the mindon moonlight seasthat dazzle and caress shorelinesand beguile the lover.Unknown and forgottenthe inky waveslurk beneathhypnoticreflections.Fixate and forget,set adrift.Uriel’s sword,binds one from within.Pan starts the dance,the wheels turn andnow the showmustbegin. © 2024 Simon Robinson

🔉Cheerful Christmas.

I had a cheerful ChristmasWhen I’d just turned threeI looked at all the presentsAs they lay beneath the treeThe candles that were on itWere lit and all aflameWell, I got so beside myselfI’ll have to take the blameIn my great…

🔉 Carpe Die M

Carpe Die M. I tried to seize the dayButIt was a slippery little fish, and itGot away from meAgain The line became too taughtSnapped backCutting me like a knife I’ll go back to the riverTomorrowTry againLet the flow control my…

🔉Just for one day

Beginnings begin with courage. These words came from my radio mere seconds before I switched it off. They stayed with me as I prepared to enter my den where I could psyche myself up to start a new year of…