The Sculptor

I wait for the darkness, the deafening rumble as the last stone is rolled into place. Although my eyes are wide with fear they see no more. I hear the beating in my chest pounding through my ears. I taste…

Winter Sprite

As with all species of sprites, the Winter Set can only be brought into existence when the conditions are absolutely perfect. So it was on that particular January afternoon, just as the sun was casting its last beam of the…

Man’s Folly

Man’s Folly He left me here. He is all I have ever known: my protector my confidante.I travelled with him. We became close; he took risks, said I was worth it.Then without a second thought I was cast aside when…


Stephanie studied her face in the mirror. ‘Not bad,’ she thought, ‘not bad considering.’ Even at forty she wasn’t just pretty or attractive but incredibly beautiful. Her childhood was happy, everybody loved her and school had been a breeze. She…

The Old Mill

A man looks at grain in his hand

Michael was later than usual taking the dog out. They’d had friends round for a meal, drunk a lot of wine and the conversation and laughter had kept everybody together well past midnight. It would be good to have some…

The Christmas Visit

The first time my wife came to see me after our enforced separation I was more than a little surprised. It had been over a year now and to be quite honest I never thought that I would see her…

Never Too Mighty

Oberon stared up at the tree. ‘Who hung him?’ ‘I did.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because he stole something precious, he broke the rules.’ ‘Why have I been brought here?’ ‘Because you stole something precious, you broke the rules. Come with me and…

🔉I fish

Alone with my thoughts. My master says to simply sit, and watch my thoughts. Shadowy monsters cruise the depths. Indistinct, more felt than seen. Their presence driving sleeker juveniles to break forth as worries and concerns. Unsure and uncertain about…

Autumn Erotica

Romantic autumn

She can’t wait to get all her leaves off,’ grumbled the conifer, glaring at the silver birch opposite. ‘Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, I feel so free, so free,’ she cried, waving her branches flirtatiously. ‘Free and easy, if you ask me,’ the…

Black Friday

An animated metal statue of a bull charges a lone protester

He kicks the ground with characteristic impatience sending dust clouds across the floor and snorts before it can settle. Head bowed and horns steady he charges as the clamour of metal against brass rings around the world; thus heralding that…