
He was given the name of Gizmo because of his fascination with remote controls: not that he wanted to use them in the way they were designed, rather he would take them apart and pocket only the minute items that…

Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale When Pamela stepped off the bus she to fathom the different scenes before her. Where she stood the sky was bright with the low winter sun almost blinding her: yet across the road along Market Place, a thick…


Maybe it’s because I’m A Londoner . . .        . . . And I’ve always loved London town As a writer, the big cities of the world call to me. They want to tell me their secrets,…

Lilt of the Fairground

My shopping trolley is humming its merry tune as its wheels roll over the paving slabs. Wednesday is when I do my big shop, few cars hurtling goodness knows where, so crossing by the roundabout is made easy.  The Forest…

Scarborough Heights

Mark was going over his plans. It was something to concentrate on, it calmed him down and diluted that feeling of worthlessness, and the guilt that followed. What right  did he have to feel depressed or even sad? He had…

What if?

The inspiration behind this essay came from notes in the Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing: it suggests the use of data collected via field study techniques: for example – observing the behaviour of fellow townsfolk whilst they go about their normal business.…

The Publicity Stunt

It was a kind of experiment. A scheme set up by an advertising company to promote a new line of site-cabins for the building industry. The promotion was portrayed as a golden opportunity to turn your dreams into fortunes; instead…

Carols by Candlelight

 The church* is hard to spot even in daylight. There’s no spire, just what looks like a fat chimney housing a single bell. I love it for its lack of pretension. Far from perching on a hill, looking down on…

The Garden Seat

A few dwellings still nestle below Pickering castle and in one of these cottages lived a young girl with her widowed mother. To make ends meet she was expected to do a most dreadful thing. This is her story. Lizzie…

🔉Just for one day

Beginnings begin with courage. These words came from my radio mere seconds before I switched it off. They stayed with me as I prepared to enter my den where I could psyche myself up to start a new year of…