Web of Lies

The headlines keep on comingEach much bigger than the lastWe haven’t got a minuteThe internet is moving fast The world is coming to an end, if Russia doesn’t bendPrince Harry is in trouble, his family is befuddledAnd Boris is returning…

Sunday Worship

We used to worship our pint potsMy good friend Derek and meFrom 12 o’clock on Sunday morningRight up ’til a quarter to three We’d stand in the queue, congregatingOur friends would save us a pewAll sitting around the big tableTheir…


I have a lovely friendWho is so obsessed with ElvisShe tells me it’s about the voiceNot all about the pelvis His voice is so etherealHe always makes me moanHe hasn’t left the building thoughHe’s an alien, he’s gone home PJ.©…

🔉Queen’s English

A woman on the radio said anus loud and clear, In truth she’d said another word that slipped right past my ear. Her gist was of one’s burden, re-tuned my sense of hearing. For the onus was on me to…


I was born in a snowstorm the worst ever knownSix foot snowdrifts surrounded my home.So it’s no surprise my aversion to the coldI was a delicate child…or so I was told.I wasn’t always like this, in my teens it was…

It Sucks

I wannabe a writer, earning megabucks But when I look at what I wrote I think ‘Oh Christ it sucks.’ I could do with a new angle, a large vocabulary Some cool subject matter that’s not about me. — An…


Another poet from YorkshireWhat’s gone wrong with the bloody placeWe’re meant to be dour and taciturnNot emoting all over the place They’ve gone an made this un t’laureateHe says he don’t care ’bout the moneyNow listen lad tha’s from YorkshireSaying…


Roll up, roll up and play the gameGood luck is at your sidePlace your bet, make your choiceCheck out or let it rideYou think that you are in controlBut the Fates they will decide. FLIP. LIFE – is just a…

Werewolves of Bempton

There is a quaint little town in North YorkshireCalled Bempton. It’s right by the seaIt’s famous for its cliffs and wild birdsAnd this seemed quite attractive to me So, I took myself off for a visitBought a ticket and got…

🔉The Fall of Rome

Cling not to the debris that is washed by the wave, For this is dead and detached. That which is pushed upward to crest and then splash, Is product and empty, and gone. Seek refuge in depth and find pressure…