A Little Bit of Help

By Megan and Simon. This text is from a book that Simon Robinson and his stepdaughter Megan co-authored to help Megan improve her reading skills. The book documents the learning process, using simple stories and examples from Megan’s everyday life…

Daftness and other Afflictions

Poetry is part of all our lives whether we realise it or not. Do you have a favourite song?All songs are Poems set to music.We listen to poetry all the time. It is in fact, like love, all around us…

Hither and Tether

Welcome to Hither and Tether, our fifth Wordbotherers magazine.  We are group of local authors based in Pickering, North Yorkshire, an ancient market town along with a thirteenth century castle. The stories and poems included herein were inspired by the…

Inception 4

Welcome to volume four of Inception – The Wordbotherers  magazine.  As spring moves slowly into summer, our small group has been reflecting on the achievements of the first six months. We all enjoy creative writing and now pursue ways of…

Looking through

On the perfect, clear surfacethat is the mirror of the mind,Thoughts, like fish, break its surface.And, although brief, they simply twinkle.In a flash I know their worth,and I am pulled towards those that beguile.Yet now, when they end, as does…

Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World is a collection of short stories and poems inspired by living in the picturesque Yorkshire town of Pickering. Here, Lillian’s provocative poety and whimsical musings are presented with colourful illustrations as a diverse anthology of earlier writing,…

The Thistle and the Rose

This book is dedicated to my wife and to our life together. It contains poems and short stories of how we first met, our school days, our wedding, our marriage, our families and finally how I dealt with her death,…

Inception 3

Welcome to volume three of Inception – The Wordbotherers  magazine.  Every Thursday our group meets to discuss our stories and poems over a glass of wine in the Yorkshire town of Pickering.  We publish our off-beat humour and quirky stories…

Poems from the Darkside

Following the death of my wife I was in a very dark place. You never get over the loss of a loved one, grieving is part of the process that allows you to move on and rebuild your life without…

Inception 2

Welcome to our volume 2 of Inception, our  Wordbotherer magazine. We hope you enjoy our collection of eclectic stories, musings and poems.  Please contact us at wordbotherers@gmail.com to provide feedback or if you are interested in any of our work…