Yorkshire Folk

I never enjoy being enjoyableIt seems too much effort to meI’d much rather sit watching tellyAlone with a big pot of tea Maybe it’s ‘cos I’m from YorkshireWe’re known to be miserable getsMy friend who comes from NewcastleSays, there’s really…

Web of Lies

The headlines keep on comingEach much bigger than the lastWe haven’t got a minuteThe internet is moving fast The world is coming to an end, if Russia doesn’t bendPrince Harry is in trouble, his family is befuddledAnd Boris is returning…

Sunday Worship

We used to worship our pint potsMy good friend Derek and meFrom 12 o’clock on Sunday morningRight up ’til a quarter to three We’d stand in the queue, congregatingOur friends would save us a pewAll sitting around the big tableTheir…


I have a lovely friendWho is so obsessed with ElvisShe tells me it’s about the voiceNot all about the pelvis His voice is so etherealHe always makes me moanHe hasn’t left the building thoughHe’s an alien, he’s gone home PJ.©…

Benefit of Doubt

Has this glamorous heiress really decided to create a haven for asylum seekers? It seems a stretch, to be honest. She could be bored, her usual jet set lifestyle curbed by ‘covid’, or perhaps for once the news coverage has…

Avoid the Saintly

– Beware the friend who’s holier than thou The one who thinks you’re a miserable cow – Forever cheerful, bright and breezy She can’t take grief it makes her queasy – Given news of the old and infirm She’s there…

Turning Point

As she heard the door slam and the key turn in the lock, Gemma began to shake. She’d managed to hold herself together until now; answered all their questions and even phoned Roger, leaving a message on his voice mail.…

On Your First Day

On your first day report to the Sister in charge of the ward. Your apron must be well starched and your cuffs three inches above your elbow. Your hair off your face and collar. You will show fear – for…

Friday I’m in Love

The Cure’s music is still running through my head, now it’s Love Cats. I’m fizzing to the zany beat. It’s Friday night and the city’s pubs are emptying – folk heading to nightclubs – others swaying – weaving through traffic…

Inviting Terror

Inviting Terror The door opened slowly where it rested silently against the rubber stop. Moonlight flooded onto the symmetrical tiles of the hall floor. The only sound oozing from the parlour, where chanting could be heard – the words inaudible,…