
All that is left are the basic foundations – four gigantic slabs of stone embedded in the earth. They remain to testify that once, long ago a property of substance stood on this very plot of land. According to parish…


Zoe ended her call. She shivered and gave the street another quick glance. Her eyes rested on something dark – a crow, she thought, that crept along the ridge of a cottage roof. Her breath hung in the cold air…

The Fabled Origin of Pickering Town

(When the Folksinger David Swann asked us to write lyrics for a new song depicting the origins of Pickering’s name – the idea lingered. So later, when we began to dabble with writing Fairy Tales, this popped into my head.) …


His ears prick up and rouse him from his sleep. She is singing. The last survivor of the clever ones surmises she is alone. The tip of his nose moves from side to side – sensing the air, collecting information as to how…

The Invitation

It sat on the mantelpiece, pride of place where everyone could see. The royal crest was the important part. Impossible to ignore with its gleaming gold insignia. Esme found herself sitting on the couch opposite, eyes glued to that oblong…

The Clinic

Laura tried not to succumb to the kneading of the masseuse’ deft fingers but it was increasingly difficult not to relax – to keep on guard – to prevent that sensual blissful lull that threatened to engulf her. Her mind’s…

Frozen in Time

Liz tried to shake off the weird feeling that was edging into her psyche. It made no sense. The reunion with Katie had been wonderful. In all these years, her old college mate was still fun, leaving Liz rejuvenated with…

The Field

“Take that dirty thing off your head child” Louis chin fell. He had been so excited to show his mother what he had found in the field.   “It is stuck, it won’t come off.”   “Silly boy of course it’s…

Every Second Counts

I had been waiting at the bus stop for fifteen minutes before it was due. It didn’t matter that the rain was sheeting down like stair rods or that my hair was plastered in strands around my face, I had…

Friday 13th

Reginald Titmouse had his life planned out. He was one of those men who needed to know where the next day would take him – what the next year or decade would have in store for him. He had even…