By Lillian Bradbury
Nest building, cooing and couples a-wooing
The sound of a cuckoo somewhere.
The vernal compulsions of buds through expulsions
Brings sweetness and life to the air.
The first point of Aries when regrowth, it varies
As nature ascends from the earth
Surging and sprouting it’s time for an outing
As we herald the signs of new birth.
The hum of a mower from a green-fingered grower
The smell of a newly mown lawn
The first swallows swoop a display loop-de-la-loop
And the first of the spring lambs are born.
Acid yellow fields their produce they yield
As sunshine and showers bear down
Roads are congested with vehicles requested
To visit coastlines and villages and towns.
We clear out the clutter and then have a flutter
The Grand National is here once again
Egg hunts and bonnets with silk ribbons on it
And remnants of Maypoles remain.
Chocolate and blooms decorate our rooms
Along with cards of lemons and greens
A roast lamb Sunday lunch then eggs we can munch
While we watch Easter parades on our screens.
© 2024 Lillian Bradbury
SEO Page Description
“Spring Time” by Lillian Bradbury is a joyful and rhythmic poem capturing the essence of spring. From nest-building birds and blossoming flowers to Easter celebrations and countryside outings, this evocative piece brings the sights, sounds, and traditions of the season to life.